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Aleksandar Todorovic

Blockchain && Web Developer
1 recommendation
  • Suggested rate
    €479 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time12 hours
The project will begin once you accept Aleksandar's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set (9)
Aleksandar in a few words
Having 6 years of Blockchain Full-Stack Engineer experience I would like to apply for this position with 100% confidence about technical specifications and requirements of Blockchain and Full-Stack project.

While working as a Web Developer I have strong knowledge and enough experience with different JavaScript frameworks and libraries, was able to complete more than 10 complex websites and web applications using them.

I always prefer long term projects, always want to build real trustworthy with clients.

Here are my skill sets for available project

✅ Blockchain technology

➡️Solidity for Smart Contract Development
➡️Deploy-Tools such as Truffle, Remix, Hardhat
➡️Blockchain-Network Ethereum,Avalanche,Polygon,BSC,Flow
➡️NFT Minting,Marketplace,Staking,P2E game,Web3.js,Ether.js
➡️ERC721, ERC721A, ERC20, ERC1155
➡️Integrating the custom nodes for various chains.

✅ Frontend Part

➡️React.js, Vue, Next.js
➡️Typescript, JavaScript, CSS, styled-component, Tailwind Css,
➡️Responsive and Pixel perfect Webpage, Material-UI

✅ Backend Part

➡️Node.js, Express.js, Next.js API, Python, Golang, Ruby, Laravel
➡️MongoDB, MySQL, GraphQL, SQLite, GCP, AWS

I am really fast-learner and always happy to learn new things and actually I am spending many hours for reading blogs and articles outside of my work.

Hope to work with you.
    Smart Contract Developer
    March 2021 - November 2022 (1 year and 9 months)
    Riga, Latvia

    Solid knowledge of Blockchain technology, Ethereum Blockchain+ EVM blockchains, PoW & PoS.

    Developed 2 NFT marketplaces with ERC721 and ERC1155 standards of tokens.
    Functionality: creating, buying, selling NFTs, with royalties (percentage for creators, maximum 50% of price), with auction. For selling and buying NFT was used crypto.
    POW Staking Solidity Ethereum P2E EVM Smart Contract
    Solidity Ethereum Developer Internship/developer
    June 2020 - December 2020 (6 months)
    Port Harcourt, RI, Nigeria
    At the beggining of 2020 passed 2 months of learning solidity as enthusiastic internship. Got closer understanding of blockchain and smart contracts and become a developer on this.

    Concepts. Worked with Ethereum tokens, ICO, Defi, DEX projects as ERC721, ERC721A, ERC1155, ERC20 and BEP20. Applied upgradability for smart contracts through proxy
    ICO Defi Dapp DAO ERC20 ERC71
1 recommendation

Dmitrivich Sass recommend Aleksandar

Dmitrivich SassDS
Dmitrivich Sass
He is best developer I know before. He have super experience in blockchain tech,
So our product was updated due him.

Unfortunately, due his relocation with familiy he leave from our company but whenever we have some issues , he supported with his best.
Cool Developer
  • Bachelor (Information and Communication Technology)
    Hz University of applied scineces
    At HZ, you will find a flat egalitarian organisational structure. You will be encouraged to ask questions, give your opinion, analyse and make recommendations. Interactions and discussions are highly appreciated during the lectures.