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Alper Yurtoglu

MES and Smart Factory management system executive
  • Suggested rate
    €960 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Alper's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Zurich, Switzerland
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Zurich (up to 50km)
  • and around Berne (up to 100km)
  • and around Geneva (up to 100km)
  • and around Lugano (up to 100km)

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Alper in a few words
I am a Mes and smart factory executive. I'm an aeronautical engineer, have been working in discrete-type production for 30 years and have completed more than 50 Mes projects. I have often experienced and contributed to production challenges, transformation resistance, and technical issues related to data collection at different levels. I sincerely believe that more profitable and sustainable production is possible with correctly planned Mes projects.

Many times, I have been responsible for defining value streams, defining Mes projects strategy, determining digital transformation roadmap and providing technology solution selection. I completed five Digital maturity assessments and prepared a digital transformation roadmap for three companies. I managed the Mes project with over 1200 plastic forming machines, 400 CNC machines and 300 assembly lines. It is possible to reach the goal and create value by approaching all these items, such as data collection, oee calculation, online monitoring, traceability, cycle time analysis, modal changing and proactive action capability. Solving all these production challenges is my goal and my success area.

A Mes project is the journey to the smart factory. It is planned, executed, managed and sustained. I will be happy to join this journey of companies that want to achieve more profitable and sustainable production.
  • DIGITAMAP Digital Transformation Office
    Owner & Consultant
    April 2022 - Today (2 years and 10 months)
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Sector: Digital Transformation in Discrete Production.
    Tasks: To provide end-to-end digital transformation consultancy, experience, and mentorship support. To ensure Strategy, strategy determination, digital transformation roadmap definition, technologies solution selection and project implementation services.
    Success: Digital maturity assessments were completed in less than two weeks at each of the five companies. A digital transformation strategic roadmap was prepared for three companies. As a result of digital transformation analysis, five Mes implementations, two digital factory twin models, two digital alert infrastructures, four barcode-supported Wip traceability systems, one digital quality management system and one energy monitoring project were completed.
    Smart Factories oee lean manufacturing e-quality kontrol data collecting DT readiness assessment online production monitoring
    Managing Partner
    May 2011 - December 2021 (10 years and 7 months)
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Sector: Smart Factory Management System Solutions and Mes Software.
    Tasks: To determine the vision and business strategy and create the MAS brand's roadmap.
    To execute the channel operations of 20 employees and undertake the profit and loss responsibility.
    Success: Within ten years, the MAS brand has been one of the pioneer Mes software in the Turkey market. Two five-year business plans were executed, two new versions were released, and four new modules were launched. Mas brand gained 60 new customers, 12.000 new data points and 40 new support contracts. According to the second five-year business plan, the conventional Oee monitoring approach transformed into an added valued digital transformation vision. Sector: Smart factory Solutions "İstanbul Head office, Bursa, Izmir branch.
    mes Digital Transformation oee business development project management team manage profit & loss
    Management Information Technologies and Erp System Director
    April 2001 - January 2011 (9 years and 9 months)
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Sector: Disposable Products and Medical Devices Manufacturing.
    Tasks: ERP Enterprise resource system management, Resource planning and budget planning system executing responsibility, Internal audit and reporting system management.
    Success: Working with 20.000 products and more than 5.000 customers, performing production & sales & service activities, the enterprise resource planning (ERP) project, which covers finance and logistics applications, was established within one year and operated for five years. The finance and operations layers are integrated, and consolidated reports are enabled. The Erp project has been transformed into an integrated management portal by being supported by digital KPI, Quality Assurance Portal and Mes solution.
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  • Bachelor’s in engineering
    Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Aviation Aeronautical Engineering Department
  • management program
    Marmara University Business Management