Create a mobile application (Android/IOS) used for tracking in real time of public transportation vehicles. The
application is used in Iasi, Oradea, Bucharest and Constanta. It has ±4 stars rate and around 15k active users.
Technologies used:
Backend: I created few microservices used to read data from different cities Open Data systems: Java 8, Spring
Boot, Apache Kafka, Cassandra, Rest Services, Spring Security with JWT, GIT, deployed them on Microsoft
Azure. In 2 cities we have to define a mechanism to automatically detect on which routes a vehicles is assigned
(for that I used Geohash technology and based on the move of the vehicle we can detect, in real time, on which
route it was assigned).
FrontEnd: For mobile applications I used a serverless arhitecture: Firebase (Google real time database), Remote
configs (I can easily change configurations without the need for users to do application upgrade), Google Cloud
Storage, Firebase functions, Push notification (with FCM). For mobile application FE I used Ionic 3 (an open
source mobile UI toolkit for building high quality mobile applications, it uses Angular 4 components), HTML,
CSS, Typescript, JS, Google Maps plugin, Geohash, Geofire (a JS library which is used for Firebase with
Geohash records), Websocked, GIT, Visual Studio Code/Android Studio/XCode.
Actually, we used microservices to collect data from Open data systems, then we just had to send them to
Firebase and this is all, the rest is done by the mobile application which is listening for Firebase database
changes, in this way every 10-15 seconds the vehicle were moved on the Google maps.
Hereitis android link:
Hereitis ios link: