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Chris C.

Translator Spanish/Italian/French > English
  • Suggested rate
    €300 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time12 hours
The project will begin once you accept Chris's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Chris in a few words
Hello! I'm Chris and I'm a translator specialising in technical, financial and tourism texts. I mainly produce English translations from Spanish, Italian and French, and I also offer voice-over services in English.

From €0.05/word for 100% human translation
From €0.03/word for Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE)
€22/hour for proofreading and correction

I'm originally from Oxford, UK. I have 6 years of experience as a translator, a master's degree in translation studies and a degree in electronic and electrical engineering. I also have 12 years of experience as an engineer, project manager and continuous improvement leader, and I have both Lean and Six Sigma certifications.
  • Self-employed
    Freelance Translator
    June 2018 - Today (6 years and 8 months)
    Ciudad Real, Spain
    I mainly translate from Spanish into English, but I also work from French and Italian and, occasionally, Portuguese. My work includes technical and business documents, such as product information, standard operating procedures and websites, and tourism documents, such as real estate and marketing materials.
    Translation Spanish English Translation French-English translation italian-english
  • Self-employed
    Freelance Translator
    February 2017 - June 2018 (1 year and 4 months)
    Oxford, England, United Kingdom
    I mainly translate from Spanish into English, but I also work from French and Italian and, occasionally, Portuguese. My work includes technical and business documents, such as product information, standard operating procedures and websites, and tourism documents, such as real estate and marketing materials.
    Translation Spanish English Translation French-English Translation Italian-English
  • MA (Trans) Translation Studies
    Open University
  • BEng (Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering
    University of Leeds