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Chris K.

Ventures, A.I., Economy, Cloud, Robotics, Branding
  • Suggested rate
    €5,000 / day
  • Experience15+ years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Chris's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around London (up to 50km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Chris in a few words
Founder of Echoterion since April 2016. At Echoterion Chris leads a team that builds the ecosystem of the technology delivered on a global cloud

Founder of Etalon Ventures - A new-generation investment fund focused on supporting visionary founders and entrepreneurs building transformative/emerging technology that positively influences our global well-being.

Designed and implemented solutions: Cloud Tech, Robotics, Machine Learning Algorithms & architectures, marketplaces/on-demand economies, medical, legal, Sportech, autonomous technologies, video surveillance technologies etc...
  • Echoterion
    January 2016 - Today (9 years and 1 month)
    London, UK
    Echoterion is a Globally decentralized cloud technology led by dynamic artificial intelligence to match lifecycle supply with demand
    artificial intelligence Python TensorFlow Pytorch Cloud computing JavaScript Machine learning software strategy Team management Culture Branding User Experience Design Webdesign UI Web Design economy Design Thinking Partnerships
  • Etalon Ventures
    January 2021 - Today (4 years and 1 month)
    Etalon ventures is a venture capital firm focused on supporting visionary founders andentrepreneurs who are building transformative/emerging technology that servesmankind in an ethical way and positively influences our global well-being. We investas early as possible in society-altering concepts with capital and dedicatedprofessional resources to move companies from the ideas stage through to launchand beyond. Once we become your partner, our team works actively with Founders todevelop products, ideas, and target markets to accelerate growth.
  • Ochsoft LLC
    Managing Partner
    January 2015 - January 2019 (4 years)
    Ochsoft is a software, mobile app and web application development company basedin New York. Ochsoft completed range of technologies for the medical and legalindustries, sport, on-demand scheduling & banking industries.*Created marketing materials, website and both commercial and technical plan forthe company*Created a foreign R&D and project management subsidiary.
  • Master of Management
    University of Oxford
    Marketing/Business Management, Master
  • Bachelor of Science
    Denes Gabor College