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Christopher Jones

Brand Consultant and Content Creator
3 recommendations
  • Suggested rate
    €390 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Christopher's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Christopher in a few words
If you feel a job hire should be based on the 'who' and the 'what' - then my career includes six years in marketing and technical roles with Unilever, nine years running UK based Business Schools as Dean and Director, and several years of entrepreneurship through building and growing my own businesses. To secure those job roles, I completed my undergraduate degree, a Master's and a PhD in econometrics.

However, if you prefer to look beyond the job titles and name dropping large companies, what you will discover with me is the ability to bring brands, products, and services to life with compelling communication. I'm an extraordinary writer. Yet my skill extends far beyond simply being articulate. When needed, I can create the right message with just three words. Sometimes, as in this profile, it may require 300. My PhD thesis was 90,000. However, each word, idea, and strapline will be crafted to invoke interest, in order to insitgate action.

So, if you need someone on your team who can command an audience through imaginative and subtly powerful prose, then let's have a conversation.
  • Applied Business Academy
    January 2021 - Today (4 years and 1 month)
    London, UK
    March 2020 - Today (4 years and 11 months)
    Chester, UK
  • True Partnerships
    Business Manager
    September 2019 - March 2020 (6 months)
    Liverpool, UK
    We are committed to creating and growing meaningful partnerships in education, business, government and sport across the globe.
3 recommendations

Stuart Fraser and 2 other people have recommended Christopher

Stuart FraserSF
Stuart Fraser
The Gather Creative
Chris is a true professional providing clear, engaging and well researched content that connects brilliantly with an audience. Cant recommend him enough and a pleasure to work with. Thank you Chris!
Stephen MitchellSM
Stephen Mitchell
Applied Business Academy
Chris has a considerable talent in producing marketing copy that not only meets the needs of the client but provides appropriate informative text for the reader. In addition, Chris is able to meet even the most stringent of deadlines. I have no hesitation in recommending Chris Jones to you
Jacqueline Hughes-LundyJH
Jacqueline Hughes-Lundy
Inspiring Women Ltd
I have known Chris professionally for 9 years He is conscientious, articulate and well versed in content creation. The combination of his marketing and business backgrounds allow him to create relatable content for both internal and external use.
  • Doctor of Philosophy
    Nottingham Trent University
    PhD, Statistics, Econometrics
  • Master of Science
    University of Kent
    Master of Science (MSc), Statistics
  • Bachelor of Science
    The University of Manchester
    BSc (Hons), Mathematics
  • A-levels, Mathematics, English, Computer Science
    Flint High School
    A-levels, Mathematics, English, Computer Science