- Aker SystemsFreelance ConsultantPUBLIC SECTORApril 2022 - Today (2 years and 10 months)London, UKThis was mostly a greenfield project that involved the creation of data services in AWS.- data landing / data gateways- security- API gateways- Redshift / Postgres- monitoring / alarmingI have also been responsible for the development of various parts of the software around the deployed services and resolving ITHC issues with the platform.
- ChfuturesFreelance Tech lead / FullstackPUBLIC SECTORApril 2020 - October 2022 (2 years and 6 months)London, UKI have been responsible to create and lead on ways of working across multiple teams and hiring multiple resources. I have migrated codebases, that were related to the same application, to a monorepo so that multiple teams could work in the same solution and improve common parts of the code. I have created efficient CI/CD pipelines to support work on monorepo and migrated working practices from git-flow to trunk-based development. I have led and successfully proven/implemented ways to ingest and query large quantities of data for analytics purposes to meet demanding SLAs. I have been leading DevOps practices and enabled remote working for multiple teams. I have created architectures and done show and tell around ways to improve resiliency/expand infrastructure to meet demands. I have been in touch with vendors and done show and tell around functionalities of new versions of databases and also migrated all the infrastructure to the latest version. I have been developing new parts of the application, mentoring junior people, and leading the development of new parts. Node js Express API React / Typescript / Redux saga / styled components / atomic design / storybook Functional programming Python Architecture / Security Kubernetes CI/CD with Drone CI Prometheus Kibana Sysdig Trunk based development / monorepos Elastic Search / Neo4j / Mongo db AWS S3 SQS
- Freelance FullstackTech leadNovember 2017 - April 2020 (2 years and 5 months)I have been responsible to define an architecture to migrate frontends to React giving the client a more robust application and the ability to quickly hire resources. I have been responsible to ship new features for the project and created an internal style guide which now is used by multiple suppliers to create interfaces in the project. I've successfully migrated the infrastructure of the project from an internal data centre to AWS with k8. I have revised the security on the project and successfully passed penetration and performance tests giving the ATO. I've been leading the transformation and set best practices for the project data science part, allowing a faster and more reliable way to ship features. I have successfully deployed a fully automated CI/CD pipeline for the project. I've also revised the ingestion pipelines to have them fully automated lowering the costs by more than a half and improve performances(5x). I have setup a framework to allow performance tests on the application. Node js Express API Functional programming Elastic Search / Neo4j / Mongo db React / Typescript / Redux saga/ styled components/ atomic design / storybook Angular js 1 /Sass / HTML with accessibility standards Cypress Docker / Drone CI/ Kubernetes Security Architecture
- Engineer, Computer EngineeringPolitecnico di MilanoEngineer, Computer Engineering