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Emma Crossick

Exceptional Multi-Audience Content Writer
  • Suggested rate
    €721 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Emma's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Emma in a few words
It's nice to "meet" you. I'm a highly experienced content writer based in the UK. I'm able to write for audiences across the world, with a thorough understanding of different demographics, markets and the ability to tailor my writing to your desired tone of voice.

I have enjoyed enormous success on Upwork and through my private business, I'm ready to branch out and try new platforms so here I am! With over 25 years of copy and marketing experience, working for some of the biggest Blue Chip companies in the UK, I am ready to help you and make your copy shine!

With a proven track record in the written word, my clients are always delighted with what I create for them; be it for their website, a business article, brochure, advert, email campaign, Wikipedia or even a creative piece, I am confident in my ability to consistently deliver only the best.

As well as thousands of online publications (ghost-written and under my name) I have also been published in various magazines/publications, including Today’s Child, My News, Chemist & Druggist, Professional Adviser, Weddings, and Ultimate Wedding. As you might have noticed, I'm what you might call omnichannel, I can pretty much write on any topic.

So, you've already come this far, you've found one of the top freelancers available in the UK, all you need to do now is HIRE ME!
  • Writeminded
    September 2010 - Today (14 years and 5 months)
    London, UK
    Freelance Marketeer - marketing and design ideas for websites, briefing and writing catalogues, press releases, copywriting, proofreading, creative writing, blogging, newsletters etc. Product research, product development and general product marketing. Experience in retail, service industries, entertainment, food and homeware. Clients include: Mim's Enterprises, Errington Reay Pottery, Joshua Altback Hairdressing, The Pet Group, The Hair & Beauty Group, Fresh Group, Tinker Tailor Ltd, Carole Nyman Counselling, Case Luggage, Local Nanny, NPIA, DOHR, Chase Lodge Hospital, Dawson & Briant and Debutots. Guest Blogger for The Baby Show.
  • Creata
    Licensing Manager
    January 2006 - January 2008 (2 years)
    Working with McDonald's and Frosties developing relationships with Licensors to create promotions on pack and in restaurant.
  • Kinnerton Confectionery PLC
    NPD Manager
    March 2001 - December 2005 (4 years and 9 months)
    Full responsibility for the development of innovative products, for the Licensed Character & Private Label seasonal ranges. Designing & developing all new retailers' concepts. Key customers include Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda & Woolworth's.
  • Business and Marketing
    London Business School
    A degree in Business and Marketing.
  • Business and Marketing Degree
    University of London