- Paramount Global FranceWriter, producer, editorENTERTAINMENT & LEISUREJune 2021 - October 2021 (5 months)Paris, FranceI devised, wrote and edited on Adobe Premiere on air campaigns for Paramount Channel and Comedy Central France.
- UNICEF SpainAudiovisual ProducerCIVIC & SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONSJanuary 2018 - January 2021 (3 years)Madrid, SpainTasks included media relations, photography, video production (direction, editing,scriptwriting), communication planning, writing press releases, and organisingpress conferences.
- Viacom International Media NetworksBrand Guardian | Executive ProducerENTERTAINMENT & LEISUREMarch 2016 - June 2017 (1 year and 4 months)Madrid, SpainCreative and production coordination of ON-AIR, OFF-AIR and ONLINE elements forthe pan Arabic feed of Comedy Central Arabia and Paramount Channel Spain.Budgeting. Scripwriting and executive production of on air campaigns
- JournalismUniversity of Seville2000
- Post graduate degree Transmedia Storytelling and Branded ContentINESDI2017