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Fiyaz Ali Khan

Power BI, Data Analysis, Reporting and Insights
  • Suggested rate
    €250 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Fiyaz's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around London (up to 50km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Skill set (7)
Fiyaz in a few words
Microsoft Certified Power BI Data Analytics And Business Intelligence Professional With Over 9+ Years of Experience In Data Visualization And Reporting.

Skilled In:
-Power BI Dashboards And Reports (Creation/Development/Maintenance)
-Microsoft Excel
-Microsoft Power Point Presentations
-Data Mining and Cleansing
-SQL Queries
-Performance Reporting
  • Marina Software Ltd.
    Power BI Developer
    October 2022 - Today (2 years and 4 months)
    Swindon, England, United Kingdom
    ● Active participation in requirements gathering, planning processes, resources, time of completion and delivery of the project.
    ● Designing and developing dashboards in Power BI, visualizing data using DAX measures and query editor for data transformation. Handling large datasets and creating Interactive Dashboards.
    ● Extract, manipulate, cleanse and transform available data for further utilisation.
    ● Designing BI metrics/KPI reports, drill through reports, Trends, forecasting.
    ● Preparing and deploying data models in snowflake and star schemas as per requirement. Creating table relationship/connections, hierarchies in format usable for generating derivative reports.
    ● Publishing reports into Power BI services and workspace. Implementing RLS into various user roles in performance management teams.
    ● Creating and managing resources in resource groups like Blob storages and Data Lake Stores gen2 for multiple projects on Azure.
    ● Working with Azure Data Factory (ADF) to orchestrate data pipelines, data flow activities, managing (ETL using a variety of data sources) and improvising datasets.
    ● Using SQL language in data extraction, Azure SQL tables, SQL Server Virtual Machines in Azure.
    ● Delivering MS-Excel/MS-Power Point/Power BI PDF format reports as an alternate based on preference of audience.
    ● Provide strategic recommendations, identifying scope of improvement in business performance for optimization of resources.
    ● Providing decision making, meaningful insights and graphical reports derived from large datasets and convey data stories to non-technical audiences.
    ● Delivering comprehensive KPI and performance reporting solutions.
    ● Promote data quality, troubleshoot data issues and provide resolutions.
    Microsoft Power BI Microsoft Excel Microsoft Powerpoint DAX Measures Data visualization KPI Metrics Performance Reporting Data analysis
  • Masters In Business Administration