- Energy WebSenior Full Stack EngineerENERGY & UTILITIESApril 2021 - Today (3 years and 9 months)Remetea, RomaniaWorking on a decentralized Renewable Energy Certificates trading platform.
- partneeFounder & Senior Full Stack EngineerDIGITAL & ITJanuary 2020 - May 2021 (1 year and 4 months)Bucharest, RomaniaReleased a startup for allowing freelancers to create their online business profile to showcase their work.The system has a Role Based Authorization implementation to differentiate admins from normal users.Admins can manage users and default seed data.Users can create their profile from scratch by adding their profile details, resume details, upload avatar, projects, courses, certifications, portfolio images from different projects, soft and professional skills and map professional skills to projects.At the end, each user will have their own public profile to use in aquiring contracts and also an option to download a PDF of their profile. I implemented the full functionality from UI/UX, frontend to backend, production deployment on DigitalOcean and CI/CD using GitLab pipelines.Frontend tech stack: Angular 11, Angular Material, CDK Flex layout NGXS SCSS MomentJSBackend tech stack: NestJS TypeORM Postgres JWT authentication
- Arnia SoftwareSenior Frontend DeveloperDIGITAL & ITNovember 2019 - May 2021 (1 year and 6 months)Bucharest, RomaniaWorked on multiple projects:1. Developed a Customer Portal with Role Based Authorization. The purpose of the application was to provide a portal where customers can change their configuration files, have multiple roles and permissions based on the appropiate level of security.In this application, admins are able to add more users, create roles, assign permissions to roles, and assign roles to users. We followed an Agile Project, with daily meetings, three weeks sprint, planning and retrospective.Skills: Angular 8 - migrated to 11, NGXS, Angular Material, Angular CDK, NgxTranslate, Flex Layout2. Developed a frontend tool for providing the measurements and visualizations needed during the machine learning workflow.From the Frontend App, the user could Create experiments, Run/Stop/Delete experiments. Get realtime notifications for experiments status, check system memory. Visualise experiments data through multiple types of graphs and comparing experiments.Skills: Angular 10 - migrated to 11 NGXS Angular Material Angular CDK Flex Layout PlotlyJS 3.3. Created a frontend application for running machine learning experiments to compare COVID 19 progress and outcome based on different restrictions.Skills: Angular 10 - migrated to 11 NGXS Angular Material Angular CDK Flex Layout Ngx-charts 4.4. Worked on a home designers platform. Implemented a quiz system which allowed the user to upload an image and get multiple sets of similar images. Created shopping list system for designers.Skills: Angular 10 NgRx SCSS
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest2013Computer Science: - OOP - Web Development - Web Semantics - Algorithm Design and Complexity - Networking
- Master’s DegreeNational University of Political Studies and Public Administration2015