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Gem Moore

Marketing Executive
  • Suggested rate
    €360 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Gem's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Reading, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Gem in a few words
Over the years, I have developed a reputation for delivering high-quality work and exceeding client expectations. I take pride in my ability to listen to my client's needs and create tailored solutions that meet their unique goals.

I am confident that I can leverage my skills to help your business achieve its marketing goals and stand out in today's competitive market.

In addition to my experience and skills, I am dedicated to building strong relationships with my clients. I believe that communication is key to any successful partnership, and I am committed to keeping you informed and involved every step of the way.

Thank you for considering my services. I would be happy to discuss your needs in more detail.
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    Marketing Executive
    May 2022 - Today (2 years and 9 months)
    Reading, UK

    • Developing and executing marketing strategies and plans to promote a Talent Solutions.
    • Conducting market research
    • Identifying target audiences and crafting messaging that resonates with them.
    • Creating and managing marketing campaigns across a variety of channels, such as social media, email, and paid advertising.
    • Analysing marketing metrics and KPIs to evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns and make data-driven decisions.
    • Collaborating with other teams, such as sales to ensure marketing efforts align with overall business objectives.
    • Staying up to date with industry trends and best practices, and continuously learning and improving marketing skills.
    • Collaborating with clients to develop their marketing presence, which entails producing a campaign video, brochure, social media posts, and a microsite.
    • Undertaking and executing the production of the company website, encompassing the creation of content, copy, and design.
    • Establishing brand guidelines throughout the entire business.
  • Burberry
    Social Media Assistant
    June 2021 - May 2022 (11 months)
  • Burberry
    Digital Samples Assistant
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    London, UK
  • Level 3 Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing
    Fashion Retail Academy
    Level 3 Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing
  • Level 4 Diploma, Fashion Retail Marketing and Business
    Fashion Retail Academy
    Level 4 Diploma, Fashion Retail Marketing and Business
  • A-Levels
    Queens Mary College