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Hayley Brown

Virtual Assistant
  • Suggested rate
    €300 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Hayley's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Hayley in a few words
As a high-energy and organized individual, I am confident in my ability to perform in the role of Personal/Virtual Assistant. I have between 6-8 years experiences in Administrative roles, the majority of them having requirements to provide business support to senior colleagues, directors, and CEO's. My responsibilities included, but were not limited to, database management, assisting with recruitment processes, diary management, travel planning and booking, email management, vetting processes, and minute taking.
As a Personal Assistant, I strive to provide accurate work, good communication, and an error-free service. I know how valuable a Personal Assistant can be to an Executive who has bigger fish to fry than scheduling a meeting or managing their E-Mails. The most enjoyable part about being a Personal Assistant is the scheduling. While it can be mind-boggling at times, I have always found scheduling to be rather fun.
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    Virtual Assistant
    February 2023 - Today (1 year and 12 months)
    Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
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    - Diary Management/Scheduling
    - Travel/Accommodation Planning
    - Proofreading
    - Audio Transcription
    - Document Creation/Management
    - Online Research
    - Staff Management/Support
    - Recruitment Support
    - CRM Management
    - Database Management

    - SAGE 50
    - Timesheet Management
    - Invoicing/Purchase Ordering

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    Virtual Assistant
    March 2020 - November 2020 (9 months)
    Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
  • Barchester Healthcare
    August 2019 - December 2019 (4 months)
    Entering carers hours worked into timesheets and database. Managing payroll/Sage 50, Taking enquiries for new/prospective clients. Contacting applicants for roles. Filing. Archiving. Answering telephone/email queries. Completing admission and discharge paperwork. Assisting with recruitment and interview processes.
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  • Business Administration Level 2 NVQ Diploma
    City & Guilds
  • Business Administration Level 3 NVQ Certificate
    City & Guilds