- packman.ioHead ProgrammerApril 2023 - Today (1 year and 10 months)London, UK• Got some C code written 20 years ago to run on AIX? I can help you port it to a modern day Linux distribution.• Struggling to build and package your code and third party deps in a dependable manner? I can make these headaches go away.• Stuck with a website written 10 years ago with PHP 5.3 and ugly CSS? I will help you migrate it to a shiny new home. Visit https://packman.io or send me a LI message and we'll sort the details out.
- KalturaSenior Director - Software Packaging and Open SourceJanuary 2014 - April 2023 (9 years and 3 months)• Packaging software as 'RPMs' and 'debs' to allow community contributors and customers to install and upgrade our products.• Writing custom modules (mostly in PHP) as per customer requirements• Installing, customising and maintaining community related systems such as the Developer Portal, Forum, multiple technical documentation portals, analytics system, community contributions board, 'CLA', etc• Working closely with code contributors as well as testers and documenters to ensure their contributions are aligned with Kaltura's standards and are adopted by our Core development team• Giving technical talks at various conferences
- KalturaDevOps/Production ITJune 2013 - February 2014 (8 months)• Writing deployment scripts, system monitors and web interfaces to automate Production operations• Deployment and configuration of infrastructure systems/services, as well as network equipment (switches, load balancers, etc)• Build and Packaging of in‑house and third party software• On call troubleshooting of system and application level issues in Production