- Amazon Development CenterMachine Learning Data AssociateApril 2021 - Today (3 years and 10 months)Poland- Project Coordinator- Working alongside audio and language engineers and building synthesis voices for our customers on international scale- Working on a variety of tasks from natural language processing, machine learning to linguistics- Developing experience in Zsh and Git
- Amazon Development CenterSenior Data AssociateJuly 2016 - Today (8 years and 7 months)Poland- Project Coordination - coordinating a team of people, overseeing the quality of their work, preparing training sessions, keeping the team up to date- Providing hands-on data collection and data quality assessment services- Data verification to check data conforms to some predetermined set of norms- Data correction to ensure data is suitably accurate
- UTS: University of Technology SydneyStudent Administrative AssistantJune 2015 - December 2015 (6 months)Sydney NSW, Australia- Providing quality information service to students including information about current courses, requirements, specialised study plan advice- Ensuring timely and accurate resolution of problems/issues/enquiries at the front counter, and by telephone, mail, and email and through the service desk enquiry system
- Bachelor's Degree, German PhilologyAdam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland2008Bachelor's Degree, German Philology
- Manual software testerCoders Lab2022Manual software tester
- Information TechnologyWyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Toruniu2023Information Technology