- FreelancingFreelance CreativeARTS & CRAFTSJanuary 2009 - Today (15 years and 9 months)Helsinki, Finland
- 358Art DirectorAVIATION & AEROSPACENovember 2020 - February 2023 (2 years and 3 months)Helsinki, Finland
- Ivalo Creative AgencyArt DirectorARTS & CRAFTSMay 2019 - October 2020 (1 year and 6 months)Helsinki, Finland
- Further qualification in AV communications, Graphic designerTurku Adult Education Centre2010Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash and HTML/CSS
- Creative IncubatorPi School2019"Defining a creative standard, a process that enables upcoming generations to use creativity and design to apply solutions to real-world problems that go beyond communication campaigns. Transforming ideas into high impact and purposeful actions." -Pi School 09/19 Berlin module 06/19 Barcelona module
- Programme in Film and Media, AdvertisingArts Academy at Turku University of Applied Sciences2015At Arts Academy at Turku University of Applied Sciences program of Advertising studies focus on creative marketing ideas and concept design skills. I specialize in the art direction. In our school, courses are a combination of theory and real client cases. We usually work in small groups through the design process from the research stage all the way to the final client presentation.