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Laura Kaminska

Graphic designer/Illustrator
2 recommendations
  • Suggested rate
    €300 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Laura's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Laura in a few words
I am a BA Graphic Design 2019 graduate working as a freelance Visual Design Producer specialising in visual identities, illustration, visual storytelling, photo editing, and poster and logo design. I believe a design is like a story. As in an exceptional plot, a stunning design has to be significant and engaging. That's why I take great pride in getting to know my clients first, to ensure my design can visually integrate with their core values and the soul of the project.

In the last 3 years, I created designs for a few independent music artists, self-publishing writers, an international journal Disegno, and a community-based organisation, The People Speak. Since 2020, I regularly collaborate with The People Speak and was a part in projects for the British Council, Foundation For Future London, Natural History Museum, Rich Mix, Alternative Arts, Purple Moon Drama, The Knowledge Exchange Network, QMUL Network, Hackney Wick & Fish Island Community Trust, Hackney Wick and Fish Island Creative Enterprise Zone, Pendle In-Situ, Poplar HARCA, Poplar Union.
  • The People Speak
    Visual Design Producer
    October 2020 - Today (4 years and 4 months)
    During the pandemic, my role was to keep people engaged during The People Speak's ZOOM events with fun and vibrant visualisations based on their conversation topics. This format was specifically designed to help people stay connected and to occupy their minds with something positive while the world was moving in and out of lockdowns.

    Since mid-2021, as their Visual Design Producer, I was responsible for running the social media accounts, developing graphic identities for multiple UK-based and international projects and creating visual content for their live events (Explorers Night at the Natural History Musem; The Festival of Genomics and Biodata; East London Women's Network etc.).
    Besides the visuals, I edit videos and podcast episodes.
    Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premiere Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Social media Illustration Visual identity Visual communication Audacity Photography Video production
2 recommendations

Evi Hall and 1 other person have recommended Laura

Evi HallEH
Evi Hall
Laura makes well designed, thoughtful work with attention to detail and is prompt and responsive to feedback. A delight to work with.  
Margot PrzymierskaMP
Margot Przymierska
The People Speak
Laura is a very creative and generous artist. She's easy to work with and always developing her skills.
  • BA Graphic Design
    University of Arts, London