- The People SpeakVisual Design ProducerARTS & CRAFTSOctober 2020 - Today (4 years and 4 months)During the pandemic, my role was to keep people engaged during The People Speak's ZOOM events with fun and vibrant visualisations based on their conversation topics. This format was specifically designed to help people stay connected and to occupy their minds with something positive while the world was moving in and out of lockdowns.Since mid-2021, as their Visual Design Producer, I was responsible for running the social media accounts, developing graphic identities for multiple UK-based and international projects and creating visual content for their live events (Explorers Night at the Natural History Musem; The Festival of Genomics and Biodata; East London Women's Network etc.).Besides the visuals, I edit videos and podcast episodes.
Evi Hall and 1 other person have recommended Laura
- BA Graphic DesignUniversity of Arts, London2019