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Senior Creative Consultant
  • Suggested rate
    €400 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept M's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Chichester, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set (8)
M in a few words
I am a driven, diligent, loyal, passionate, creative
and outgoing individual. I like to complete tasks and I am always willing to go the extra mile to do this. I have strong written and spoken communication skills. I pride myself in producing high standards of work and like to fully immerse myself into what I am doing.
  • Massmart and other
    Graphic Designer
    February 2019 - October 2022 (3 years and 8 months)
    End Feb 2019 – End October 2022 (SA)
    Freelance contract at Massmart - Game as a designer. Freelance & permanent contracting – At Vogue Communications, Litha Communications. Freelance contracting Genomics Healthcare – CI development, Verimark.

    Lomas Healthcare (Pty) Ltd – end Feb 2018 -
    end Feb 2019 (Marketing & Sales 1 year)
    Moving industries an exciting opportunity came up to get involved in all areas of Marketing and Design in the medical field as well as treating patients and meeting with doctors and training.

    June 2014 – end Feb 2018 - Brandzmagic Creative Workshop (self employed/agency contracted)
    Agency contracts and consulting include House & Home (retail), Owlbox Communications (digital & 2D animation) and The Drawing Board (ttl). Freelancing for various clients, including new brand roll out for E-Eye, Left Right Advertising - Club Med (3 year contract Creative Head), Gautrain, Litha Communications - having completed the AWHF Coffee Table Book, various Annual Reports and other marketing collateral elements including magazine layouts. Lomas Healthcare, brochure design, conceptual BTL elements and collateral and an FMCG client – print adverts conceptualising and
    roll out.

    Feb 2013 – May 2014 - Litha Communications
    Full time employment – I was employed as Creative Manager at Litha Communications. which is a PR, Events and Communications company. Clients include governmental organisations, NHC, NHBRC, SAFTAS, SACPCMP from conceptual brainstorming through to end process. Work includes designing and rolling out CI event elements, brochures, company profiles, print ads,working in Cvent, newsletters. I have worked on and designed a coffee table book for
    the AWHF.
    graphic design social media print advertising digital advertising