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Pratik Swain

Data scientist
  • Suggested rate
    €700 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Pratik's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Amsterdam (up to 50km)
  • and around Rotterdam (up to 50km)
  • and around Utrecht (up to 10km)

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Pratik in a few words
Enthusiastic Data scientist having working experience in Automotive, Real estate and Transportation domain. Worked in Computer Vision and Deep learning with a cloud computing background, always in a lookout to work on new technologies and exciting projects. Shoot out if you want to know more :)
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    Data Scientist
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  • Master's degree, Applied Data Science
    Data ScienceTech Institute
    Master's degree, Applied Data Science
  • National Institue of Science & Technology, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
    National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), Berhampur
    National Institue of Science & Technology, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering