- INGData ScientistMay 2022 - Today (2 years and 10 months)Amsterdam, Netherlands
- LeasePlanAI EngineerNovember 2019 - April 2022 (2 years and 5 months)Amsterdam, Netherlands#RMT division AI engineer:- Handling all the RMT projects and team to build RMT models and put them in production. #LeasePlan AI innovation team member to identify AI projects across LeasePlan and make a plan to convert them into full pledged projects . #Driving the AI Operations in LeasePlan :- Building a process to handle all post production ML problems which include Model monitoring , Performance tracking , Data drift tracking , PowerBI dashboards for post-production monitoring , MLOps. #Part of the team of 2 responsible for procuring the new AI platform for LeasePlan. Evaluation, Testing, and implementing the platform along with data engineers.
- Altum AIData ScientistAugust 2018 - October 2019 (1 year and 2 months)Rotterdam, NetherlandsAltum.ai projects :- #AVM(Automated Valuation Model) :- Developing a Regression model to accurately predict the house price. The Project includes my end to end task of data collection, data processing, creation of dataset for Machine learning, Training the model, Dockerezing the package and then deploying the model in cloud to create endpoint. #Ecovalue :- The project goal was to create a Regression model with monotonic constraint to see what impact the house price has upon changing the sustainable measures of the house. The Project includes my end to end task of data collection, data processing, creation of dataset for Machine learning, Training the model, Dockerezing the package and then deploying the model in cloud to create endpoint. Demo:-https://altum.ai/verduurzaming-data/ # Building CI/CD pipeline for the Machine learning models using elasticsearch, docker,Serverless and Bitbucket. Regression using Machine Learning Techniques Like Xgboost, Randomforest, GBoosting. Working experience with clustering algorithm like K-means and hierarchal clustering algorithm.
- Master's degree, Applied Data ScienceData ScienceTech Institute2017Master's degree, Applied Data Science
- National Institue of Science & Technology, Electronics and Instrumentation EngineeringNational Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), Berhampur2015National Institue of Science & Technology, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering