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Ramesh Sistla

Devops Engineer
  • Suggested rate
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Ramesh's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Skill set (20)
Ramesh in a few words
Technlogist with 20+ years experience in a wide range of tech - Focussed currently around DevOps and Cloud engineering, Previous experiences with Server, Database, enterprise and Open Source tools, automation and Release management technologies.

Experience in automated provisioning and configuration of physical, virtual and Cloud (Amazon, Azure & Google) infrastructure, scripting knowledge with several programming languages (Python, Bash, Powershell, Java, VB, Perl)
Consulting experience in DevOps and SysOps procedures and tooling, business analysis, project management, Training and team leadership with thorough understanding of ITIL and Agile frameworks.
  • London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG)
    DevOps Automation consultant
    July 2017 - June 2020 (2 years and 11 months)
    London, UK
    Automation with Terraform, Puppet, Ansible & use of wide variety of open source technologies and cloud services. Provide technical expertise for the Software Configuration & Build Management functions toolset, processes and procedures. Develop and implement build processes and procedures for maintaining build plans, version control and defect tracking, using current build tools and version control systems (Jira, Bamboo, BitBucket & Clearcase). Propose and deliver improvement through automation and similar to Development, Test & Production work routines, processes, support tools and systems maintained by the Software Configuration & Build function.
  • Centrica, British Gas
    DevOps and Automation Consultant
    September 2014 - July 2017 (2 years and 10 months)
    Staines-upon-Thames, UK

    • As a part of the ECD (Enabling Continuous Delivery) function of British gas, Design and implement continuous deployment pipelines liaising with Architects and developers for various business segments and to demonstrate design-to deployment lifecycle involving resource reduction for dramatic time and cost savings.
    • Improved application integration methods, emphasizing better utilization of configuration management tools to simplify procedures, promote uniformity, reduce errors and time required to deploy new applications.
    • Migrate service from a managed hosting environment to AWS under the CI (Cloud Incubator) Programme delivering SaaS and PaaS infrastructure including: service design, network layout, compliance, data migration, automation, monitoring, deployments, documentation, overall plan, cost analysis, and timeline.
    • Provisioning Build automation system to enable deployment of an entire application environment in a matter of hours instead of weeks or months.
    • Build custom tools for reporting, troubleshooting, security audits, and automation of miscellaneous maintenance tasks.
    • Create custom logging, reporting, and graphing tools to report continuous deployment pipelines.
    • Automate network configuration management for all cloud environments.
    • Document and handover the ECD projects and provide guidance to operations team to manage BAU aspects of the solutions.
    • Register enhancement requests for each of the ECD projects and undertake updates to ECD design and implementation.
    • Liaison with corporate SysOps and production engineering teams to escalate application engineering issues and submit code changes.
    • Work with infrastructure teams for redistributing load, improve security, and increase capacity for current needs and projected growth.
  • Ladbrokes eGaming
    Builds & Release Engineer (CQM Team)
    August 2013 - September 2014 (1 year and 1 month)

    • Automation of builds and deployment of releases for the Ladbrokes online portal through development, test, staging and production environments.
    • Support development teams in an Agile based development environment in 2-week sprints on Hybris eCommerce platform.
    • Maintain and manage the source code management application (Subversion), defining branch and merge strategies, creating builds for trunk, feature and Release candidate branches.
    • Monitor SCM for updates and trends using Fisheye and Crucible.
    • Enforce code quality management (CQM) practices by continuously analysing code from the SCM using benchmarks and standards like OWASP and SQUALE through SonarQube to control uniform expectations around security, reliability, performance, and maintainability of source code .
    • Maintain knowledgebase on Confluence – a Team collaboration tool, covering aspects of release management practices, procedures and standards, infrastructure, development cycles, testing, application support and operations.
  • MCA, Computer Applications
    Madurai Kamaraj University
    MCA, Computer Applications
  • PGDCA, Computer Applications
    Osmania University
    PGDCA, Computer Applications
  • Bachelor of Science
    Osmania University
    Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Intermediate, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
    St. Joseph's Junior College
    Intermediate, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Matriculation, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Studies, English, Telugu and Hindi
    Mani Jeremiah High School
    Matriculation, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Studies, English, Telugu and Hindi