Keen foresight, enthusiasm for inventing creative solutions, and an
engineering background keep me happily fixing bugs and
optimizing software throughout the entire development life cycle.
This is an opportunity for us to partner together, where I’ll apply
my proficiency in C#, LabVIEW, Linux, Vector Cast, and more
toward achieving Chipton-Ross' goals of collaboratively providing
superior services to the staffing industry.
The last 7 years with Embark’s development team have seen me
strategically apply knowledge of C# and oversee the
implementation of cross-functional advertising software that
improved page loading speed by 17 percent. Scaling to over 34
million users, this software application simultaneously boosted
company profits and customer satisfaction rates.
I also fused my familiarity with SignalR and JavaScript framework
with my drive to problem-solve and streamline existing company
software. Leveraging my proficiency in these tools, I helped my
team develop a unit testing infrastructure that eliminated bugs
within the application. My proactivity spoke for itself in the
structure’s engineering when we saw a 61-percent reduction in
client-reported bugs over a 6-month period.
The strong team culture at Chipton-Ross resonates with me as I
enjoy thinking analytically to resolve questions of program intent
and translate documentation and data into helpful operating
instructions for my coworkers. I welcome further discussion, so
please contact me for details on how my software engineering
experience will benefit your team and maximize client savings.