- AllAboutGroupCopywriter and EditorPRESS & MEDIAJanuary 2021 - Today (4 years and 1 month)City of London, United KingdomI work as a freelance copywriter for the AllAboutGroup specialising in law. My responsibilities include:- Conducting research on law courses around the UK.- Producing content for the website on the latest news regarding qualifying as a lawyer.- Writing articles about the latest research concerning the legal industry to a lay audience.- Using SEO tools.
- Commission européenneBluebook Trainee (Communcations in DG DIGIT)PUBLIC SECTOROctober 2021 - February 2022 (5 months)Brussels, BelgiumI specialised in communications at the Commission’s Digital department. My responsibilities included:- Devise a communication strategy for my department.- Writing articles on the department’s work to a lay external audience.- Creating videos and visual content for citizens about DG DIGIT’s role in the digitalization of the EU.- Producing reports and presentations on research conducted for the Commission.- Organizing workshops for stakeholders involved with projects.
- English SummerProgramme Coordinator, English teacherEDUCATION & E-LEARNINGJuly 2021 - September 2021 (2 months)Tarragona, SpainI worked as a program coordinator and I taught English to Spanish students. My responsibilities included:- Designing the curriculum taught at the school and preparing end of term exams.- Planning and delivering lessons and outdoor activities based on an English curriculum.- Preparing students for Cambridge English exams.- Resolving conflicts between students and teacher
Raphael Jucobin recommend Thomas
- MSc Environment and DevelopmentLondon School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)2020My degree considered how can social and economic development be encouraged without compromosing environmental resources. My dissertation discussed the role of outdoor education programmes in the personal and professional development of American Youth.
- BA GeographyUniversity College London (UCL)2019My dissertation was on the identities of Hungarians living in London. For this I had to carry out interviews and an ethnographic study. I also created a GIS project which studied social inequality in the London Borough of Haringey.
- Fundamentals of Digital MarketingThe Open University / Google2022
- FA Level 1 Coaching in FootballFootball Association (England)2019
- Violin Grade 5ABRSM2016