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Vigikaran V.

Full Stack Developer (TypeScript, PHP, React, AWS)
  • Suggested rate
    €250 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Vigikaran's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Cheshunt, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Vigikaran in a few words
Accomplished and accountable TypeScript, PHP Developer with a consistent record of achievements in the
successful end-to-end delivery of leading-edge projects and products. Possessing strong
organisational skills and a proven ability to ensure the commercial success of projects through
careful management of resources and budgets; leading and training high-performance internal and
external multidisciplinary teams to deliver critical projects within timeframes and budget.
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    Development Team Lead
    June 2021 - January 2022 (7 months)
    Barnet, UK

    • Organise tasks, communicate effectively to team members, collaborators.
    • Share ideas, working closely with management to improve product value.
    • Manage all cloud based software environments (GCP, AWS etc).
    • Oversee all technology operations and evaluate them according to established goals.
    • Configure Production environments.
    • Troubleshoot, test and maintain the core product software and databases to ensure strong optimisation and functionality.
    • Contribute in all phases of the development life cycle.
    • Follow industry best practices.
  • Lankasri
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    London, UK
    • Develop and Oversee all technology operations and evaluate them according to established goals.
    • Coordinate Mobile Apps Developers , Web Developers and other professionals to provide guidance.
    • Manage all cloud based software environments (GCP, AWS etc)
    • Troubleshoot, test and maintain the core product software and databases to ensure strong optimisation and functionality.
    • Contribute in all phases of the development lifecycle(Frontend and Backend )
    • Follow industry best practices.
    * Develop and deploy new features to facilitate related procedures and tools if necessary.
  • Post graduate diploma in Information Systems, Computer Software Engineering
    UK College of Business and Computing UKCBC
    Post graduate diploma in Information Systems, Computer Software Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree, Computer Programming
    St Josephs College Arts Science
    Bachelor's Degree, Computer Programming