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Vishal Sharma

R programming, data analytics, shiny dashboard
  • Suggested rate
    €300 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Vishal's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Brighton, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Vishal in a few words
Highly analytical and process-oriented scientist, strategist, and technical community builder with 7 years of cross-industry experience and significant experience in Analytics, Machine learning, Predictive Modeling, Classification Models, data visualizations, Exploratory data analysis, and other data science activities. Highly skilled in R Programming, Linear Regression, Statistics, intermediate skills in Python, and a master's degree in Data Science from BITS, Pilani. Working Experience of FORTUNE 500 company. Passionate about integrating statistical and computation methods into digital products to drive business value. I am a driven leader with interdisciplinary, technical background, combining academic curiosity with industry best practices. I greatly value mentorship, collaborative team building, creative solutions, transparency, and personal growth. Pursuing Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Amity University, Noida.

Data Science | Machine Learning | Data Mining | Data Visualizations | Statistics | R Programming | R Shiny | Keras | Tensor Flow | Predictive Modelling | PCA | Clustering | Classification | Regression | Association Rules | UNIX | Shell scripting | Agile Methodology
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    Senior Analyst - Pricing & R Shiny (A&BI)
    July 2021 - Today (3 years and 7 months)
    Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
    Project: Portfolio Pricing | Data Science | R Programming
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    - Preparation of risk and return analysis in the Investment Review Committee (IRC) document
    - Multiple successful portfolios purchased with a maximum of £150 million Project: Minerva Product Analytics | Data Science | R Programming
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    - Gap analysis on the identified products and services
    - Memorandum analytics based on NLP techniques
    - Channel mix model to predict the potential channel for the borrowers in Non Performing Loans
    - Database Health and audit tool for all the databases in the data warehouse Project: Delivery Engine | Data Science | R Programming
    - Develop a natural language system to predict the potential standardized value for a new categorical value found in the data warehouse
    - Create a pipeline for one-click automation of Quality Checks and workflow efficiencies
    - Create functions for the automation of certain activities performed by the team (Report Generation & QA)
    - Create an algorithm for the rationalisation of code across teams
    - Create data standardization mapping using NLP Project: Equipped Library | Data Science | R Programming & Python
    - Create an end-to-end R library from scratch
    - Create functions supporting Performing and Non-Performing Loans
    - Conduct Internal training to teach the team R concepts
    - Implement analytical concepts like Markov Chains in R
    - Create models for predicting the strength of the portfolio
    - Create data standardization mapping using NLP
  • CBRE
    Data Scientist
    January 2020 - July 2021 (1 year and 6 months)
    Gurugram, Haryana, India
    Project: Portfolio Transformation Calculator Link:
    - Predict potential savings due to reduced staff during COVID-19
    - Build a best-in-class dashboard for multiple stakeholders
    - Plot the complete output before and after COVID-19 and predict the expected reduction in cost
    - Enable sharing functionality for sharing the scenario with other users Project: EDA Automation
    - Automate the generation of EDA Documents so that anyone can run it
    - Creating and regular updates in the conditional library
    - Contribute to the documentation of the process to assist various team members Project: CBRE Pathfinder Link:
    - Dashboard for executing and fetching results from various models/algorithms defined by CBRE experts
    - Implement supervised learning methods to assist in the property management decisions for the clients
    - The models created in Python and accessed using APIs in R
    - Flask app runs on AWS, and then APIs are hit using R to get the results after the execution of the algorithm
    - Leveraging the output of the model to create the dashboards in Tableau Project: CBRE Dimensions Link:
    - CBRE's Location Intelligence System
    - On the basis of city names, location names, etc., identify the complete address with location intelligence
    - Find the latitude and longitude using the location attributes using google maps API Project: Portfolio Sites Link:
    - Dashboard to present the various types of sites/locations
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    Module Lead
    August 2019 - January 2020 (5 months)
    Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Master of Technology
    Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
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  • Bachelor of Technology
    Inderprastha Engineering College
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  • Intermediate and High School, Physics Chemistry Maths
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