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Wael Salibi

Director Media Communications
  • Suggested rate
    €550 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Wael's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Berlin, Germany
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Berlin (up to 50km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Skill set
Wael in a few words
I studied journalism and communication, and subsequently, I worked for Nokia in Syria and Sudan as a marketing team leader.
In Rome I finished my master's in political science and international cooperation at Sapienza Rome and graduated with a master's degree. My research was about refugee crisis management in the EU.

From 2016 to 2019, I worked as a cultural mediator and interpreter team leader for EASO and Greek authorities in various refugee camps in Italy and Greece, I continued writing articles for Aleteia covering religious minorities in the Middle East. I also working on my Ph.D. thesis.
  • European Asylum Support Office
    Cultural mediator team leader
    April 2016 - November 2019 (3 years and 7 months)
    Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Master degree in Science of Development and International Cooperation
    Sapienza University, Rome (Italy)
    The Masters Programme in Development and International Cooperation - Economics for Development (LM-28209) provides with an advanced understanding of a variety of fields (including sociology, economics, political science, history and law) and the tools that are necessary to analyse and interpret the social, economic, juridical and institutional contexts that characterise developing countries. The programme addresses the evaluation and management of international cooperation programmes in terms of politics, economy, finance, health and law.
  • University degree in Media (radio,TV, print journalism)
    Damascus University, Damascus (Syria)
    TV/radio/print news writing, producing, editing and presenting